Education? Arts? Health? Environment? How will you help change our world?
Coming of Age:Bay Area has extraordinary volunteer positions for people
50-plus. We’ll help you find the perfect opportunity to keep you
connected and contributing to the community. Positions are available in
San Francisco and Alameda Counties with both large and small nonprofit
organizations, and schedules range from a few hours to a regular weekly
commitment–the choice is yours.
The Coming of Age initiative seeks to harness the talents, skills and energy of one of our most valuable resources: people age 50+. We do this in two ways: we help organizations strengthen their capabilities, and we help people 50+ explore passions, pursue lifelong learning, become community volunteers, and engage in meaningful service to the community.
Let us help you follow your passions and explore your options? FREE
one-on-one personalized matching is available to help you choose.
The information above can be found on the official website of Coming of Age:Bay Area. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.ComingofAge.org/BayArea