The YMCA has a rich history of mobilizing volunteers to serve our
community. We’re committed to youth development, healthy living and
social responsibility—and we can’t do it without volunteers.As a YMCA
volunteer, you can lead an exercise class, read to a preschool class,
coach a basketball team, design a program brochure, greet people at the
front desk, collect items for an garage sale, serve as a role model for
young people, help out in the office or at a special event or be part of a
group or committee working on a neighborhood problem. No matter how you
help, you’ll make a big difference as you work with others to create a
feeling of connectedness in your community.
The information above can be found on the official website of Volunteer at the YMCA – East Bay. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://ymca-cba.org/volunteer