Alum Rock Counseling Center, Inc. and Turning Point Program

Alum Rock Counseling Center

The goal of Alum Rock Counseling Center’s Ocala Mentoring Program is to
pair 60 at-risk middle school students who attend Ocala Middle School in
East San Jose with mentors in order to improve their academic and future
success by offering specialized one-on-one mentoring.

Mentors help their mentees seek out positive role models and safe
recreational activities. They help youth realize their full potential and
influence them to make healthier choices that lead to physical, social and
emotional wellness.

Our mentoring program is unique in that we match mentors with mentees for
a year long commitment, in which we expect at least 6 hours of mentoring
to happen a month. This mentoring happens when you and your mentee
schedule time to talk or meet up; it is not a structured time that the
program sets.

We are in dire need of mentors, and especially those who have come from
similar backgrounds and communities as our students and families. This
would be a great opportunity for those interested in giving back to the
community, working in an educational mentoring setting, and in a district
in which our students and families really deserve the resources to
succeed, but are not always provided for them.

The information above can be found on the official website of Alum Rock Counseling Center, Inc. and Turning Point Program. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website:

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