Our Mission
Autism Social Connection seeks to maximize the potential of each child and adult with autism to learn, develop, function independently and participate in the full range of social, cultural and quality of life experiences.
Our Vision
Autism Social Connection is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people with autism by providing first-rate services and supports. Autism Social Connection strives to create an inclusive, caring community where each individual is fully appreciated and accepted as a unique and contributing member of society.
Autism Social Connection is Unique…
- First ever inclusive community based center in the San Francisco Bay Area serving children and adults with autism and their families and friends.
- Blended approach offering state-of-the-art programs, services and specialized training that draw on current theory, scientific research and evidence based practice.
- Collaboration and partnerships with universities, medical centers, schools and other community programs at the local, national and international level.
- Model demonstration and research site for exemplary practices on social inclusion.
- Fosters opportunities for meaningful and long-lasting friendships through mutually engaging guided activities.
- Embraces a philosophy of inclusion and diversity by bringing together communities of learners from all walks of life, including those with differing abilities, languages, social and cultural backgrounds. ASC does not discriminate in hiring or admissions to our groups. We welcome people of all backgrounds, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and (dis)abilities.
The information above can be found on the official website of Autism Social Connection (formerly ANGELS). For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.autismsocialconnection.org/ASCWebsite/asc/index.html