Chico Xavier Spiritist
> Society was founded in April 2006. The Society > is a 501 (c)(3)
> non-profit organization incorporated under the State > of
> California and tax exempt under Federal law. Its purpose is the >
> constant study, practice, and dissemination of Spiritism as first
> > compiled by Allan Kardec. The Society is active in conducting >
> spiritual, moral, and material assistance programs to benefit and
> > empower persons in need. We offer fraternal counseling,
> energetic > healing, public lectures, and children’s and adult
> spiritism classes. > We speak English and Portuguese. As an
> all-volunteer-run organization, > we often have the need for
> professional assistance, in areas such as > accounting/
> bookkeeping, and fundraising
The information above can be found on the official website of Chico Xavier Spiritist Society. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.chicoxavierspiritistsociety.com