2013 Second Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
The Berkeley Animal Shelter
The City of Berkeley animal services is a division of the city of Berkeley in the office of special community services.
Animal services provides field services for the cities of Berkeley and Albany and shelters animals from Berkeley, Albany, San Leandro, Piedmont, and Emeryville.
Field services are provided seven days a week (Holidays included) and consist of removing wild life from traps, investigating complaints, investigating dog bites, quarantine animals, picking up confined strays, issuing citiations, patrolling parks and other areas, court appearances, giving advice and information, removing dead animals, and other types of calls from citizens.
Shelter services are provided seven days a week (holidays included) and consist of cleaning kennels (60 dog runs), cages (27 cat cages and 2 bunny cages), and shelter offices; feed and water each animal.
Six days a week, the shelter is opened to the public from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm and officers assigned to the shelter assist the public during opening times.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to help the animals of our community. One of the more valuable is to volunteer at the animal shelter.
We, the staff, at the City of Berkely animal shelter take great pride in our work. We strive to see that the animals under our protection have the finest care possible, and the customers are given courteous and helpful service. Your help in our endeavor is very much appreciated.
Voluntary hours are flexible, and volunteers can choose to help with most shelter services, including walking dogs and grooming cats. Occasionally, the committee of volunteers also organize fund raising activities.
For more information, please contact Sharon at (510)-644-6755, or feel free to drop for a visit.
The information above can be found on the official website of City of Berkeley Animal Care Services. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/animalservices