City Horse is a small nonprofit project looking to partner with community
groups, corporations and individuals interested in donating their time to
support our programs. We are expanding our volunteer base as we start our
Tuesday night “Raising Money for Riding Lessons” fundraiser in Berkeley.
Fifteen (15) volunteers, at least 18 years old from 5pm to 10:00pm or
three hour shifts can help us take urban kids out of the traditional
classroom. Food and drinks are provided.
City Horse helps under-represented students connect with horses and
animals – free of charge. Our programs pay for students to learn about
horsemanship, animal science/biology, stable management and associated
careers. Our students gain life skills and earn academic credit for their
participation. We have ten programs scheduled for the fall/winter
semester, I want to offer additional programs in the spring.
Public schools in the Bay Area do not offer animal related or animal
science curriculum. As a result, students who are interested in a career
in veterinary science are at a disadvantage. Bay Area STEM programs leave
out agricultural and animal science(s) all together.
The information above can be found on the official website of City Horse. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: