Located in Forestville, California, Food For Thought is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to meeting the nutritional needs of persons living with or affected by AIDS/HIV disease in Sonoma County.
The organization was founded in 1988. Since that time, we have provided free weekly grocery bags of canned and boxed food, fresh produce, nutritional supplements, vitamins, and whatever other goodies are on hand, along with frozen meals for people severely affected by AIDS.
We currently provide food to more than 645 people, including men, women, and dependent children of parents with HIV/AIDS.
We provide services in English and Spanish. While many clients enjoy their weekly visit to select their food at our beautiful facility, more than 1/3 of our clients receive delivery service because they are home-bound due to ill health or lack of transportation.
The information above can be found on the official website of Food for Thought – Sonoma County AIDS Food Bank. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://fftfoodbank.org