InnVision the Way Home is the Silicon Valley’s leading provider of housing and services for homeless families and individuals.
Our Mission
InnVision is a primary gateway for homeless families and individuals seeking shelter and resources that lead to self-sufficiency. Our comprehensive system of care promotes self-worth and dignity at multiple facilities throughout Silicon Valley, including shelters, longer- term housing options and service centers, each equipped to meet emergency and transitional needs of diverse, at-risk people. InnVision is…the Way Home!
History and Statistics
InnVision the Way Home is the leading provider of housing and services for homeless and at-risk families and individuals in Silicon Valley, serving over 27,000 men, women, children, veterans and the mentally ill each year.
Founded in 1973, InnVision has 38 years of demonstrated experience in successfully helping clients to break the cycle of homelessness. We accomplish this by offering various levels of emergency, transitional and permanent affordable housing and supportive multi-service centers at 26 sites from San Jose to Redwood City. In 2009, InnVision provided over 500,000 meals and over 195,000 nights of housing.
In 2010 the need has grown, and we are serving 1,400 clients per day.
The capacity to respond and adapt to the community’s most critical needs is the hallmark of InnVision and no other agency in our community offers a comparable range of services. InnVision has a proven track record and has demonstrated success in leveraging community resources and maximizing every dollar it receives.
87% of the agency’s annual budget goes directly to client services.
To attain its goal of supporting individuals in reaching self-sufficiency, InnVision offers a “continuum of care” that assists homeless individuals and families through each step of the process towards becoming independent and breaking the cycle of homelessness. In addition to various levels of shelter and housing, InnVision offers comprehensive services for emergency care (such as food, showers, clothing, laundry, transportation assistance, mail and voicemail) and tools for self-sufficiency (such as case management, healthcare, mental health and substance abuse counseling, job training, life skills workshops, child development and after-school tutorial programs). By empowering homeless people to gain the stability and skills necessary to reach independent living in our community, InnVision meets both the emergency and longer-term needs of the homeless and at-risk individuals and families.
The information above can be found on the official website of InnVision. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.innvision.org