All volunteers at MMSF start off in one of two roles: instructors or
mentors. Our best volunteers have the ability to flex into either role and
are open to applying to both.
The instructional component of our programs is designed to equip students
with the knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary for achieving
academic success at school and in their standardized tests. Our
instructors serve as guides and role models for our students, encouraging
them to deepen their knowledge base and to enjoy the process of learning.
Instructors take on a variety of different roles in our organization:
leading a class on a subject area, teaching the SAT/ACT, and developing
and delivering workshops on close reading, critical thinking, and
statement writing skills for our students and their mentors. We will work
with you to find a role that best fits your skills and experience.
What we look for:
The ability to commit to three years with MMSF, show up prepared for
session every Saturday from August through May, and accessible during the
week for your mentee and the broader MMSF community. Presentation and
facilitation skills appropriate to a small group and/or classroom setting.
Depth of knowledge and passion for a particular academic subject. Ability
to take a complex concept and simplify it, so that anyone can learn it.
Unfettered curiosity for how things work—especially when it comes to
academics and tests. Passion for setting goals and gaining concrete
results. Ability to work in a team and navigate ambiguity. Prior
experience designing a curriculum and instructional materials is a plus.
Each student is matched with two mentors, who work closely to help their
student become well-rounded and navigate the college experience from
application to graduation. Mentors work with their students to discover,
plan for, and ready themselves for college, which includes building a
strong, trusting, empathetic relationship with their mentees. Our mentors
serve as positive role models and catalysts for the students, encouraging
them to fulfill their full potential.
What we look for:
The ability to commit to three years with MMSF, show up prepared for
session every Saturday from August through May, and accessible during the
week for your mentee and the broader MMSF community. The ability to set
stretch goals and standards that mentees can achieve. Conscientious and
communicative practices, like responsiveness to others and advance notice
of absences. The ability to build rapport and trust with people of all
different backgrounds, experiences and ages; especially people from first
generation or low-income backgrounds. Prior experience mentoring or
coaching at-risk, first generation, or low-income youth. A demonstrated
passion for understanding people and what motivates them.
The information above can be found on the official website of Minds Matter San Francisco. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.mindsmattersf.org