Become a trained volunteer Victim Advocate or a Help Line
volunteer and provide emotional support to victims and survivors. Advise a
Board: Consider a community leadership role by serving on a local advisory
board. Take Steps to Raise Funds: Sign up for Walk Like MADD in your
community or as a virtual walker online to help raise mission funds to end
drunk driving. Speak Out: Join the Speakers Bureau program and speak at
schools, civic groups, clubs and other organizations. Spread the Word:
Distribute MADD’s Tie One On For Safety red ribbons to encourage people
not to drink and drive. Tie a ribbon on your vehicle to show your
commitment. Monitor the Courts: Ensure that justice is being served by
monitoring DUI cases. Help Victims Be Heard: Coordinate a Victim Impact
Panel where victims share their story to drunk and drugged driving
offenders. Flex Some Power: Inspire youth, train parents or mobilize
community activities to prevent underage drinking and reduces alcohol
access to youth. Honor Heroes: Recognize law enforcement and first
responders at shift briefings or sobriety checkpoints to say thanks for
keeping our roads safe. Roll Up Your Sleeves: Help set up events, run an
information booth or attend community fairs. Mail Some Help: Research
local drunk and drugged driving crashes, then mail “We Care” cards to
the victims of these tragic events.
The information above can be found on the official website of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: