In 1982, a group of community-based, non-profit health clinics – recognizing their shared values and concerns – came together to form the San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium (SFCCC). The creation of SFCCC allowed these clinics to pool their collective resources, both financial and experiential, and serves as a vehicle to address their needs and interests, and those of their patients, to local, state and national policy makers.
SFCCC works to lead and support the partnership in four core areas, each with distinct programs: access to care, workforce development, maximization of valuable resources and health policy. While SFCCC partner health clinics focus on patient care, promoting individual health to preserve the well-being of the communities they serve; SFCCC promotes the health of our clinics –keeping them poised to adapt to a changing health care environment, so that their long-standing tradition of community care is preserved.
The information above can be found on the official website of San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: