Mission: to protect the San Pablo Creek Watershed and inspire community appreciation and stewardship through advocacy, education, and habitat restoration.
SPAWNERS formed in the spring of 2000 to bring together local residents interested in making the creek a community asset, and protecting its natural resources. Earth Day in April 2000 attracted 75 volunteers to remove invasive ivy from the creek banks at the El Sobrante Library and to pick up trash from downtown El Sobrante as well as the creek. SPAWNERS hosts the ongoing effort to control ivy at the library site, where it has been strangling and killing the trees by the creek. We have worked with the El Sobrante Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club to establish a native plant demonstration garden and picnic area behind the library, on public land that was formerly unsafe for community use. Our goals are to continue improving the library site for both people and wildlife, to educate the community on caring for our creeks and preserving water quality, and involve volunteers in creek restoration projects within the watershed.
The information above can be found on the official website of San Pablo Watershed Neighbors Education & Restoration Society (SPAWNERS). For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.spawners.org