STOP AIDS Project was founded in 1984 by concerned and frightened community members who invited others into their homes to discuss their fears and figure out how to protect each other in the early days of the AIDS epidemic. For the past 25 years, that tradition of community-based and volunteer-driven health promotion has remained at the core of all of our programs and services.
STOP AIDS Project has historically been in the vanguard of HIV prevention efforts and we continue to provide high-quality, effective, and community-based services that are rooted in the most cutting-edge theoretical models. Our emphasis on providing services informed by both membership in the community we serve and the best scholarship available has been recognized as highly effective and our model has been replicated locally, nationally, and internationally.
Our work not only produces a reduction in new HIV infections, it also ushers in a strong community wherein people are encouraged and trained to take leadership roles, make meaningful contributions, address individual challenges, and celebrate our collective strengths. We recognize that HIV transmission is driven by large sociocultural forces like homophobia, sexism, racism, and poverty. Through our programs, we attempt to create an oasis of community support that wards off their harmful effects and increases community assets. Our vision is to help build a community in which new HIV infections are rare, and where those of us already living with HIV have the support we need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
The information above can be found on the official website of STOP AIDS. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://stopaids.org