The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA)
is a membership organization dedicated to inform, inspire, and mobilize
the American people to support the ideals and vital work of the United
Nations. For 70 years UNA-USA has worked to accomplish its mission through
its national network of Chapters, youth engagement, advocacy efforts,
education programs, and public events. UNA-USA is a program of the United
Nations Foundation. UNA-USA and its sister organization the Better World
Campaign represent the single largest network of advocates and supporters
of the United Nations in the world. Learn more about UNA-USA’s programs
and initiatives at
San Francisco is the birthplace of the United Nations, where the Charter
was signed in the SF War Memorial in 1945. For over half a decade the
UNA-SF has worked in the Bay Area to educate the public on the importance
and function of the United Nations.The UNA-SF works to promote and
progress the causes of the UN. With San Francisco being such a socially
conscience city, UNA-SF works hard to develop interesting and interactive
programs that engage the public. The UNA-SF works to raise awareness about
human rights, women’s issues, international development, and other crucial
matters. The chapter is also active in supporting Model UN programs
throughout the city.
There are open volunteer positions on multiple of our committees
including, put not limited to, the Human Rights, International
Development, Women’s, Young Professionals, Membership, and Advocacy
The information above can be found on the official website of United Nations Association of San Francisco. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: