Voices for Pets

Voices For Pets (VFP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to
ending violence against animals in the Bay area/Contra Costa County. We
track animal cruelty cases through the court system to strengthen and
enforce laws against animal crimes, while advocating successful and
maximum prosecution of those who perpetuate crimes against animals.
We believe the criminal courts should take violence against animals
seriously. We advocate for abused pets by attending court hearings and
trials, circulating petitions and writing to district attorneys, judges,
city officials, law enforcement and newspaper editorial boards. We call
attention to evidence linking those who brutalize animals with serious
crimes against humans.

We need you: Whether you are able help for a few hours a week or a few
hours a day … your time, energy, and skills contributed makes a
We need volunteers in many areas, including:
• Help track animal cruelty cases through the local court systems (this
includes attending court hearings);
• Action alert liaison;
• Grant writing & fundraising;
• Nonprofit management & newsletter development.

The information above can be found on the official website of Voices for Pets. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://voicesforpets.org

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