FESCO — the Family Emergency Shelter Coalition — is a nonprofit organization comprised of over 30 churches and community members in the Hayward, Castro Valley, San Lorenzo and San Leandro, California area…reaching out to serve homeless families with food, shelter, clothing, counseling and links to community resources.
The 24-bed Shelter (“Marquis House”) is open all day, every day, and houses approximately 100 families with children each year (about 120 adults and over 200 children). The 4-unitTransitional Housing project provides low-cost rental housing with supportive services. FESCO offers a full range of basic and support services to help families get off the streets, off welfare, and on their feet! In 2003, FESCO opened a multi-unit community living center called Banyan House.
The Family Emergency Shelter Coalition (FESCO) was organized for the purpose of providing services to homeless and very low income families in Alameda County, California. FESCO’s mission is to instill or restore dignity, self-esteem, and self-reliance so that families, their individual members, and the community are strengthened. FESCO is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency, governed by a Coalition of area churches and community members.
The information above can be found on the official website of FESCO – The Family Shelter. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.fescofamilyshelter.org