First Graduate is a San Francisco-based college access program that helps students finish high school and become the first in their families to graduate from college.
We work exclusively with aspiring first-generation college graduates students whose parents never completed college in the United States because parental education is a major predictor of children’s educational attainment and economic success.*
To help our students realize their dreams of attaining a college degree, we utilize a long-term program model that is unique within the field. We make a 10-year commitment to each student, starting the summer after sixth grade through college graduation.
Our program provides students with a comprehensive array of services, including: year-round academic instruction, tutoring and support; high school and college counseling; mentoring; family engagement activities; career exploration activities; and college scholarships and support. All of these services are organized via an effective case management system.
To date, 100 percent of our high school seniors have graduated from high school and enrolled in college. First Graduate college students are currently attending schools across the nation such as Barnard College, Harvard, the University of San Francisco, and more. In the spring of 2011, we congratulated our first class of college graduates – a new generation of graduates at the Cap & Gown Gala.
The information above can be found on the official website of First Graduate. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.firstgraduate.org