The Volunteer Center was founded in 1967 to address the pressing needs of our local community through volunteer service.
We offer 22 year-round programs that engage young people, families, seniors, working professionals, and people with disabilities in meaningful service. Learn more about our programs.
We have the capability of connecting people with volunteer opportunities on the web, by phone or at one of our Centers. We additionally, partner with over 400 non-profits to find the perfect fit for your skills and interest.
Our Mission
Our mission is to promote volunteerism throughout the community and to maintain a wide variety of volunteer opportunities which take into account the special needs and interests of all segments of the population, thus enabling all people, regardless of age, race, physical ability or other special circumstances, to share their skills and time in order to extend needed services in Santa Cruz County.
The information above can be found on the official website of The Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: http://www.scvolunteercenter.org