The Wildlands Restoration Team is a volunteer program dedicated to the protection and restoration of biological diversity on state parklands in the Santa Cruz mountains. Since its inception in 1990, thousands of people ranging in age from 11 to 75 have joined in our effort. Together, we have contributed over 50,000 hours to save this priceless natural heritage.
We have pioneered non-herbicidal control methods for many exotic species, and have published our methods in professional journals so others may benefit. We know that our hands-on, non-chemical approach is a big reason the program draws such strong support.
Many have given thousands of hours of their time, and many have been inspired to make ecological restoration their life’s work. The team’s accomplishments have become well known throughout the state. We’ve been told that the success of the Wildlands Restoration Team has been the inspiration and the model for the formation of other restoration programs now at work both here and elsewhere.
The information above can be found on the official website of Wildlands Restoration Team. For more details about the organization and to find out how you can volunteer, please visit their website: