Lend A Helping Hand - Try something new. Learn new skills and meet new people.

What We Do Here

The purpose of this website is to provide information about volunteer opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Hopefully, volunteerism will be stimulated and facilitated by letting potential volunteers know about the wide range of opportunities open to them and by giving Bay Area non-profit organizations a means of publishing their goals and needs.

If you are considering volunteering, we hope this site helps you find the opportunity you are looking for. Volunteers are needed to do just about anything from repairing computers to picking fruit to making sandwiches. Time commitments can range from a few hours for a single project to as much time as you have available. Try something new. Learn new skills and meet new people.

We provide the most comprehensive searchable database of Bay Area nonprofits with continuing volunteer needs. We do not list individual opportunities. You may search for nonprofits geographically (above), by area of interest (search box above), or by other categories (links in yellow background to the right) to find organizations with the most appropriate opportunities for you.

How to Use This Website to Find Great Volunteer Opportunities Particularly Suitable for You

For example, if you are interested in working with children, type 'children' in the search box below and you will be presented with several pages of appropriate organizations and their websites for you to review and make contact with.

If you wanted to know about organizations only in Alameda County, you could type in 'Alameda' or click on 'Alameda' in the yellow box to the right, or click on 'East Bay' above to get organizations and their websites.

Then go to the listed websites to get more information and make contact through that organization's website to learn more and to set up the opportunity most suitable just for you. Hope this helps!

Find A Volunteer Opportunity

Recent Volunteer Opportunities

Living Classroom

Living Classroom’s mission is to make education come alive and empower the next generation by growing environmental champions, ​inquisitive learners, and healthy eaters. We support a new generation of students that are excited about science, connected to nature, and are …
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Care Through Touch Institute

Description of Organization and/or Volunteer Opportunities Available:Our mission is to be present with suffering and promote healing through human connection. We began in l983 in Berkeley caring primarily for people living with HIV/AIDS. In 1997 we relocated to San Francisco. …
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Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors

Description of Organization and/or Volunteer Opportunities Available: BAADS is an all volunteer organization that strives to make sailingaccessible to people with disabilities. We have five larger keelboatswhich sail on Sundays and 20 small boats which sail on Saturdays. weask all …
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SFO Museum

SFO Museum, a division of San Francisco International Airport, is a cultural organization accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. The Museum is a multifaceted program with rotating exhibitions on a wide variety of subjects and interactive play areas featured …
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San Francisco Historical Society

The San Francisco Historical Society exists to uncover, preserve, and present, in engaging ways, the colorful and diverse history of our city from its earliest days to the present. How We Do This We engage residents, visitors, and the next …
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English Together

Bringing People Together English Together addresses the two-fold challenge of building community and providing opportunities for immigrant workers to develop practical English-speaking skills. Workers become more confident in using English. Workers and volunteers come together breaking down barriers and building …
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Eating disorder recovery is possible. ANAD is here to help. At least 10% of the population are struggling with an eating disorder, disordered eating, and or body image. For 45 years, ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) …
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Hunger at Home

Today, Hunger at Home partners with local convention centers, hotels, and sports stadiums throughout Silicon Valley to collect excess food and goods. This food and goods are then distributed to hungry and homeless individuals through a robust nonprofit network. To …
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